This is very important. Only meet with the student when you are both calm. Listen without judgement. It is only until you understand the why will you be able to best match a strategy. Try not to take what ever the student says personally. Remember, it may have nothing to do with you, but if it does, you are the adult and can figure it out. It is important that you stay calm during the entire conversation. The why may be elusive or it may be clear cut.
You have heard this already, but all behavior is communication. What you are trying to listen for is what is the student trying to communicate to you. Since you are the person in front of them teaching them, they are trying to communicate with you. Listening without judgement may be difficult, but it is so critical to building a secure relationsip with the student. They may be giving you insight into yourself, so it may be a time for reflection, but also know that this student has had previous relationships that have shaped them into who they are today.